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Conserving wildlife habitat, agricultural and forest lands, scenic open space, wetlands, and shorelines for the benefit of our community and as a legacy for future generations.

Day Creek Kosbab Property

Property Description

 The confluence of the Skagit River and Day Creek at Day Creek Kosbab. 

Skagit Land Trust has been working for several years with its partners in the Skagit Watershed Council to protect significant areas of salmon habitat along the middle reaches of the Skagit River. The Day Creek Kosbab Conservation Area is the second property protected through these efforts. Skagit Land Trust purchased this 110 acre property in 2003 with help from the Salmon Recovery Funding Board.

This property spans the confluence of Day Creek with the Skagit River. It encompasses active and seasonal stream channels, riparian forest, replanted areas and grassy openings. The site contains high quality wildlife habitat, especially for fish and elk.


A variety of wildlife call Day Creek Kosbab home. Salmonids, regular concentrations of Elk, and a communal roost of Townsend’s big-eared bat are just some of the species that can be found here. Day Creek cuts north/south through the property, dividing it into two parts: former agricultural fields west of Day Creek and riparian forest to the east of Day Creek. About 75 acres of the property are dominated by the hardwood riparian forest. Common species found here include red alder and black cottonwood. 

 Bald eagles are also common at Day Creek Kosbab.


The main stewardship goals for Day Creek Kosbab are to maintain and restore aquatic habitat and maintain pastures for elk by mowing and planting native grass. There are a number of invasive species present on the property and controlling these is also a priority for Skagit Land Trust. Common invasive plants found on this property include butterfly bush, Himalayan blackberry, and English ivy.

The stewardship of this property would not be possible with out our partners and hard working volunteers. Skagit River System Cooperative has helped us plant thousands of native species at Day Creek Kosbab since it was acquired in 2003. At work parties, volunteers have helped us remove invasive species. 

 Click here to view information about the land stewards for this and other Skagit Land Trust properties.

 Our determined volunteers don't let a little water stop them! They helped us remove invasive species from the property. 


This site is open to low-impact public use for community enjoyment. Access to this site is via the Skagit River or Day Creek or with Trust staff. Please watch our event page for opportunities to visit the property during workparties and tours.


Above: Day Creek Kosbab is one of four conservation areas managed by Skagit Land Trust in the upper Skagit River watershed. Map created by Skagit Land Trust staff using NAIP aerial imagery from 2017. Click on the map for a larger image.

How to Get There

The only legal access to this property is via the river or Day Creek. Please see the access section for more information.

Property Photos

New Photo New Photo New Photo Path through the growing restoration plantings, 2012 Confluence of Day Creek with the Skagit River

Property Info

  • Type: Trust-Owned
  • Location: Day Creek
  • Acreage: 110 acres
  • Date Added: 2003
  • Please visit this property!

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