Ways of Giving
The future of beautiful Skagit County depends to a large degree on the foresight and generosity of you and other visionaries who are willing to consider new ways to make gifts. A planned gift, or legacy gift, are terms that cover all kinds of charitable gifts such as bequests, trusts and gifts of retirement benefits, which allow you to create a legacy that will continue far beyond your lifetime. These gifts can take multiple forms and can help you address a variety of personal and financial goals.
Download our Guide to Planned Giving to learn more.
Members who have included Skagit Land Trust in their estate plans are encouraged to inform us so that we can thank you. By joining our planned giving circle, The Cedar Legacy Circle, you will receive the information you need to plan your gift for maximum impact, invitations to exclusive events, and acknowledgement in our Annual Report.
If you have questions about making such a gift, or gifting your land to benefit conservation, we would be happy to talk with you and provide more detailed information along with sample bequest language. Please contact Executive Director Molly Doran at 360-428-7878 x202 or mollyd@skagitlandtrust.org.
Giving Wisely Helps Us Reach into the Future
What do you want your gift to achieve? How do you make a gift in a way that has the impact you want? Do you want to make a significant gift during your lifetime, or would a gift as part of your estate work better?
Planned gifts help us reach far into the future through a dependable base of support to conserve Skagit County’s unique wildlife habitats, forests, farms, marine areas and open space and to steward these lands for future generations. By giving wisely, you can continue to help save land for tomorrow for generations to come.