Minkler Lake is a mile-long freshwater pond which used to be an oxbow of the Skagit River.
Minkler Lake was historically used as a millpond and pilings can still be seen from Highway 20. In recent years the lake has been left alone and undeveloped, and fish and wildlife have thrived. The quiet backwaters are accessible to Skagit River salmon through Childs Creek. Minkler Lake Conservation area protects 138 acres of wetland and forested habitat. Funding for the protection of Minkler Lake was provided by the Washington State Salmon Recovery Funding Board and Skagit Land Trust members.
In addition to the excellant aquatic habitat provided by Minkler Lake, there is also mixed forest habitat throughout the property. Key forest species include willows and black cottonwood. The lake and wooded areas are home to elk, waterfowl, amphibians, and salmonids including coho salmon and cutthroat trout.
Skagit Land Trust, with the help of volunteers, installed plants in the upper forest at Minkler Lake to increase the diversity of native species.
Stewardship goals for Minkler Lake include protecting salmon habitat and removing invasive species. Common invasive species found here are English ivy, butterfly bush, and bindweed.
Click here to view information about the land stewards for this and other Skagit Land Trust properties.
English Ivy removal is a common work party task at Minkler Lake. These volunteers helped pull English ivy vines at a work party in the fall of 2019.
This site is open to low-impact public use for community enjoyment. Skagit County's Cascade Trail forms the southern border of the property and offers an easy way to view and access the property. Click here for a Google map.

A few miles east of Sedro-Woolley, turn a sharp right on Minkler Road, just prior to the town of Lyman. Park on the shoulder along the fence on the right, across from the horse farm, house #28576