Join the 1,500+ members of Skagit Land Trust who are working together to conserve Skagit County's natural heritage |
As a member, you will be saving precious wildlife habitat, marine shorelines, farmland, forests, wetlands, lakes, and rivers for our community today and into future. You'll also receive Skagit Land Trust newsletters and invitations to special events.
There are many ways you can support local land conservation and create a legacy of protected natural lands today and for future generations. Click the buttons to learn more about our different giving options.
Skagit Land Trust is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with EIN# 91-1533402.
Make a one time gift, or become a Skagit Sustainer with a recurring gift to Skagit Land TrustClick the picture to give a gift today. You can make your donation in honor or memory of someone. You can also let us know if your gift is for a specific property or fund. |

 | Qualified Charitable Distribution from your IRAIf you’re 70½ or older, you may be able to make a tax-free QCD donation to Skagit Land Trust. Your gift can be used to satisfy your required minimum distribution. Also known as IRA Charitable Rollovers, QCDs are a savvy way to use your IRA to maximize your charitable impact. You can also support local conservation by designating Skagit Land Trust as a beneficiary of your retirement plan. Click the picture, or click here to learn more. |
 | Donor Advised Fund (DAF)This type of giving program allows you to combine the most favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to easily support your favorite charities. An increasingly popular charitable vehicle, DAF’s are an excellent way to both simplify your charitable giving and facilitate your strategic philanthropic goals. Click the picture, or click here to learn more. |
 | Planned Gifts In Your Will or Other AssetsA planned gift can include a variety of charitable options such as allocating an amount, percentage, or the remainder of your estate or other assets to Skagit Land Trust. You don’t have to be wealthy to create a lasting legacy. A bequest of any amount in your will or other estate plans contributes to our ability to protect land and wildlife. Members who make this type of gift to Skagit Land Trust become part of our Cedar Legacy Circle. Click the picture or here to learn more. |
 | Donating Appreciated Stock or Mututal FundsMany of our supporters find that making this kind of gift to Skagit Land Trust is a smart and simple way to help conserve land here in the Skagit. You can make a gift of appreciated stock to the Trust while possibly avoiding capital gains tax and deriving other tax benefits. In order for the Trust to appropriately credit the gift to you, it is important for us to know your gift is coming. Click the picture, or here to request more information about making a stock donation. |
 | A Gift of Conservation Land or Real EstateThere are many reasons landowners might want to donate their land to the Trust. Some want to conserve their land so it will be there for future generations of people and wildlife. Conserving land is a way to "give back" to a place that has given you so much. Others know the sale of their land or home can help fund conservation in the right palce.
Click the picture, or click here to learn more about donating your land to Skagit Land Trust. |
Skagit Land Trust is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization, recognized by the IRS. Your donations may be tax-deductible. The Trust's Federal tax ID number is 91-1533402.
You can also download a membership form to print and mail to the Trust with your donation.
Click here for a full document on making a gift from a DAF, IRA, or Stock.
Skagit Land Trust also has a selection of shirts, hoodies, hats and Natural Skagit books for sale. Follow the 'Click to Purchase' button to learn more.