We are inviting you to visit our properties and make some discoveries! Skagit Land Trust is organizing a community science effort to get a closer look at some of our properties. The Trust is encouraging members of the community to head out to one of the properties listed below with a camera and a sense of adventure!
Get involved. If you observe any plants, animals, or wildlife, on a property, take a photo and upload it into the iNaturalist app (free on the app store). The app will create a collection of observations from the community for us all to view. Your observations will help create an ecological survey for each Skagit Land Trust property. These surveys will help guide stewardship and management efforts throughout Skagit County.
Watch the recording of our iNaturalist training which took place on Earth Day this year. Click here to view the video on youtube.
View the powerpoint from our iNaturalist training with a step by step guide on how to make observations and join projects using the iNaturalist app. Click here to access the PowerPoint presentaion via google slides. Or click here to view to view it as a PDF.
View turorials from the iNaturalist website by clicking here.
Skill levels. No need to be an environmental professional, if you are unable to identify a plant or animal you see on the property, the app will make suggestions and other members of the community will help to confirm. Or, if you happen to be knowledgeable with identifying plants and animals, help others identify on the iNaturalist app or website! This activity is fun for all ages, bring your whole family out on the land to make scientific observations using the iNaturalist app!
Questions? Please contact our Volunteer and Education Programs Coordinator, Stacy Dahl (stacyd@skagitlandtrust.org) or our Stewardship Specialist, Abby Weaver (americorps.stewardship@skagitlandtrust.org)
Properties to visit for this project. We have selected seven of our properties that are easily accessible that we think you will enjoy visiting. These properties either are new to us, meaning that any data you collect will be extra helpful, or they are good for wildlife observations!

Barr Creek Conservation Area
This property is in Rockport, WA and totals 44.35 acres. There is a short trail up to a waterfall in Barr creek! Find directions and more information about Barr Creek by clicking here.
Click here to view the Barr Creek project on iNaturalist

Cumberland Creek Conservation Area
This property is located just past the town of Day Creek off of South Skagit Highway and totals 211 acres. This property is home to a network of trails that feature an oxbow pond, mature forests, and views of the Skagit River. If you see elk on this property, please be sure to give them plenty of space. A good rule of thumb is to keep a football field’s length between you and the animal. Find directions and more information about Cumberland Creek by clicking here.
Click here to view the Cumberland Creek project on iNaturalist

Day Creek Conservation Area
This property is located just past the town of Day Creek off South Skagit Highway and totals over 42 acres. This whole property is not easily accessible to the public yet, however, the newest portion of it, acquired in fall of 2020 is! You can access this portion of the property at 10489 Warfield Rd. Help us learn who and what calls this property home. Learn more about the property by clicking here.
Click here to view the Day Creek project on iNaturalist
Guemes Mountain Conservation Area
After a ride on the Guemes Ferry from Anacortes (Tip: consider biking on), travel to a small parking area about a mile south of the intersection of South Shore Road and Edens Road. The Guemes Mountain Trail climbs from there, 550 feet over 1.2 miles to reach a beautiful, small meadow with views overlooking the San Juan Islands and towards Mount Baker. All year-round, hikers can walk up on a well-groomed trail through a mix of mature trees and shrubs. Click here to learn more about the Guemes Mountain property.

Hurn Field Conservation Area
You have likely driven by this property many times on your way up river. Stop at the Hurn Field wildlife viewing pull off and see if you can spot any elk! If you do happen to see elk in the field, please remain in the parking pull off as not to disturb them. Otherwise, you may venture out into the field to make some observations. Click here for directions and to learn more about the Hurn Field Conservation Area property.
Click here to view the Hurn Field project on iNaturalist

Tope Ryan Conservation Area
The Tope Ryan Conservation Area property protects over 20 acres of former agricultural land including 900 feet of shoreline along the Samish River north of Burlington. The property also contains native riparian forest and several acres of pasture. This is a great property for wildflowers and bird watching. If you venture out into the field, please watch your step. There are very active beavers in the area that have built deep channels in some portions of the property. Walking sticks are advised. Click here for directions and to learn more about the Tope Ryan Conservation Area Property.
Click here to view the Tope Ryan project on iNaturalist

Utopia Conservation Area
About 7 miles east of Sedro-Woolley, ¼ mile east of the intersection of Utopia and Hoehn Rd, there is a gate with Skagit Land Trust signs. Park in front of the gate or on the road shoulder. Although there isn’t currently a developed trail through this 88-acre property, one of our kind neighbors keeps a path mowed to the Skagit River which is .6 miles from the gate. Follow the trail across Wiseman Creek and through several areas of restoration plantings. Click here for directions and to learn more about the Utopia Conservation Area Property.
Click here to view the Utopia project on iNaturalist.