The Samish River runs through this property. It's connectivitity to other creeks and bodies of water is important for salmonids.
This 2 acre forested property protects about 900 feet of shoreline habitat. The Samish River meanders through the property and provides connectivity to other rivers and creeks utilized by a variety of fish, including salmonids. Samish River Koetje was donated to Skagit Land Trust in 1996.
Samish River Koetje is home to salmon, songbirds, and red-legged frogs. Dominant forest species include douglas fir, western red cedar, red alder, big leaf maple, and western hemlock.
The riparian forest and Samish River at this area provide habitat for a number of wildlife species.
Stewardship goals for Samish River Koetje are to control invasive weeds and increase the species diversity of the riparian areas by planting native conifers. This will improve the riparian habitat for species that reside here. Common invasive species found on this property include Japanese knotweed and Himalayan blackberry.
Knotweed, pictured here on the right bank, is an aggressive invasive species that Skagit Land Trust has been working to control on the property.
Click here to view information about the land stewards for this and other Skagit Land Trust properties.
This site is open to low-impact public use for community enjoyment and is accessed via Prairie Rd. Click here for a Google Maps link.

Click on the map above for an enlarged image. Map generated using 2011 NAIP aerial imagery.

This map includes the access trail onto the property. Click on the map above for an enlarged image. Map generated using 2011 NAIP aerial imagery.