This property contains several channels of Diobsud Creek, which is a known fishbearing stream. The riparian forest provides habitat for a variety of native wildlife species such as salmonids, bald eagles, and other key native species. Diobsod Creek Abel is close to a number of other conservation lands protected by Skagit Land Trust, Seattle City Light, and USFS. It was acquired by Skagit land Trust in 2019.
Diobsud Creek runs through the property and provides habitat for a variety of wildlife including salmonids and birds.
The majority of the property consists of mixed native mature conifer dominated upland and hardwood dominated riparian forest. Common confiers on the property include douglas fir, western hemlock and red cedar. The hardwood riparian forest contains big leaf maple and vine maple. The upland and riparian forests are recognized as habitat for key species such as the northern spotted owl and grey wolf. Diobsud creek provides habitat for salmonids including Chinook, bull trout, winter and summer steelhead, sockeye, coho, rainbow trout, pinks, chum, and cutthroat.
A look at the mature conifer forest that dominates much of the Diobsud Creek Abel property.
The stewardship goals for this property are to maintain and improve the upland and riparian forest for salmonid and other wildlife habitat. There are some invasive species present that Skagit Land Trust is working to control. These include Himalyan blackberry, common tansy, and scotch broom. We have plans to do our first big planting at Diobsud Creek Abel in 2020 where we will be installing 200 native trees and shrubs in open areas where old structures once stood.
Click here to view information about the land stewards for this and other Skagit Land Trust properties.
Skagit Land Trust's Stewardship Committee checking out a future planting site in one of the open areas at Diobsud Creek Abel.
This site is open to low-impact public use for community enjoyment and is accessed by Honeysuckle Lane. Click here for a google map.
Click on the map above for a larger image. Map created using 2017 NAIP aerial imagery.
Drive northeast on Hwy 20 to the town of Marblemount. Keep left on Hwy 20 from the Cascade River Rd intersection and drive 2 miles and turn left onto Honeysuckle Lane. The property is located about 0.5 miles up Honeysuckle Lane on the right (northeast). Park in the pullout on the property side.