The Marblemount Conservation Area contains a beautiful forest and a variety of aquatic habitat, including the creek in this photo.
Marblemount Conservation area was protected in 2020. This forested property borders the Skagit River and protects about 2,900 feet of shoreline. The riparian forest contains a mix of conifer and hard wood species and provides habitat for a variety of wildlife such as Bald Eagles. The Skagit River and a side channel, which run through the property, provide excellent salmon habitat.
This Pink Salmon carcass was found on the property in a shallow slough off the main Skagit River.
There are a number of invasive species present on the property including Himalayan blackberry. Stewardship efforts for Marblemount Conservation area will focus on restoring and maintaining the riparian forest by the removal of invasive species.
Click here for driving directions.

The Marblemount Conservation Area is located three miles west of the town of Marblemount on Highway 20. Look for the private road labeled Ponder Roses on the Skagit River side of the road. Visitors can park at the gravel area just before the gate. Walk down the driveway behind the gate, and take the first left. Pass a tall metal shed on your right and continue on until you see the trail split. This is the beginning of the loop; either direction will take you to the river.