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Conserving wildlife habitat, agricultural and forest lands, scenic open space, wetlands, and shorelines for the benefit of our community and as a legacy for future generations.

Cascade River North Property

Property Description

 A mosaic of streams run through the Cascade River Trezise property, providing habitat for a variety opf species. 

12 acres of forestland and shoreline along the Cascade River with a healthy riparian forest.  The majority of the land is in the floodplain and there is a creek running through the property and old side channels with areas of ponding.  The property borders a Trust-held conservation easement property and is adjacent to other protected lands. This acquisition was made with SRFB funds with match provided by Seattle City Light.  


Cascade River is a place where a mosaic of streams, wetlands and riparian woodlands provides habitat for a wide variety of fish and wildlife. The streams provide connectivity from the Cascade River to upstream habitat for native aquatic species, especially salmon and steelhead. The streams also provide these aquatic species with spawning habitat. Salmonids such as Chinook Salmon and Bulltrout utilize the river and the property is also adjacent to identified habitat for the Northern Spotted Owl and Marbled Murrelet. 

 The streams and riparian forest in Cascade River Trezise provide habitat for a variety of wildlife species. 


Invasive specieas found on this property include Evergreen Blackberry, Herb Robert, Policeman’s Helmet, Saint John’s Wort. Stewardship efforts focus on removing these species to protect the riparian forest and stream habitat for salmonids and other species that call this area home. 

Click here to view information about the land stewards for this and other Skagit Land Trust properties.


This property is open to low-impact public use for community enjoyment, and may be accessed from the Cascade River Rd. Click here for a Google map.

Click on the map above for an enlarged image. Map generated using 2017 NAIP aerial imagery.


How to Get There

From Mt. Vernon: Drive east on Hwy 20. In Marblemount, go straight onto the Cascade River Road instead of turning north on 20. Cross the Skagit River, drive 1.3 miles and park on the S side of the road, near an old driveway and small open area along the road.

Property Photos

Cascade River shoreline Cascade River creek

Property Info

  • Type: Trust-Owned
  • Location: Cascade River
  • Acreage: 23.3 acres
  • Date Added: 2014 and 2022
  • Please visit this property!

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