Skagit Land Trust Volunteers, Please report your hours worked by following the appropriate link below.
If you are a Volunteer Land Steward, please click here to complete your quarterly reports. *If you attended a staff led work party, your hours have already been accounted for.*
If you are a development/outreach/youth volunteer, please click here.
If you are a community science volunteer, please click here.
If you are a board/committee member, please click here.
If you have any photos from your visit, please send them to If possible please have the photos labeled with the following naming procedure. Photos often help SLT staff address any issues that may arise on properties. Plus, we love to see photos of our events.
"Property Name.Year.Month.Day.Your First Name Your Last Name (photo number)".
For example: "Barney Lake.2021.01.23.Abby Weaver (1)"