Details: Join Skagit Land Trust to remove an invasive species from a beautiful protected area near the confluence of the Sauk and Skagit Rivers. We've been doing a lot of work to control a large patch of Policeman's helmet on the property and could use some help with weeding remaining plants out of existing native vegetation. It's a very easy plant to pull, and won't require digging out stubborn root systems.
Skagit Land Trust volunteers will join The Nature Conservancy at this wonderful propery that Skagit Land Trust is helping to steward. This property is roughly 1 hour away from Mount Vernon. We'll have a short walk down a steep hill and through vegetation to reach the work area.
Directions: Email or call us at or 360.428.7878 by June 5th to RSVP and join a carpool. Carpooling vehicles will leave the Trust office in Mount Vernon at 9 AM to arrive on site by 10:00 AM.
Bring: Wear weather and work appropriate layers, a water bottle, and a brown-bag lunch to enjoy overlooking the Sauk River! We'll provide light refreshments and work gloves.