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Conserving wildlife habitat, agricultural and forest lands, scenic open space, wetlands, and shorelines for the benefit of our community and as a legacy for future generations.

Citizen Science: Amphibian Monitoring Training

Mar 2015 8

9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Mt. Vernon

 Red legged frog

Ribbit!  Ribbit!

Join Skagit Land Trust for amphibian monitoring in 2015!

Skagit Land Trust is coordinating with the Whatcom County Amphibian Monitoring Project to establish a baseline of amphibian data throughout the northwest Washington region.
-We are looking for volunteers to assist us with egg mass monitoring on Trust-owned properties during March- June. (Past amphibian monitoring volunteers: we encourage you to come refresh your skills!)

The training will consist of:
-an educational classroom portion (9:00am*- 11:45am) designed to enhance your amphibian egg mass identification skills. 
-a field visit (12:30pm- 3:00pm) to a Trust property where we will practice hands-on monitoring skills. 

*We will start promptly at 9:00am- please arrive a few minutes early.*

Volunteer Job Description:
Monitoring throughout the season requires:
-identifying egg masses and noting sightings of tadpoles or adults
-completing 4 site visits (about every other week) on the Land Trust site you choose
-walking through muddy shallow wetlands (the Trust has waders, walking sticks, and other helpful gear available for lending), over uneven terrain, and possibly lifting up to 20 lbs
-filling in data sheets, using GPS units to record data points, and entering data into an online database
-working with other volunteers
-working outdoors in possibly rainy, cold, or less-than-ideal weather
-properly sanitizing work gear to eliminate cross-contamination of amphibian habitats

Please RSVP for more meeting location details and directions.

To Bring: 
A bagged lunch (the Trust will provide coffee and snacks for the morning), water bottle, waterproof or water resistant shoes/boots, rain gear.

***An RSVP for this training is required. Space is limited - please let us know you're interested sooner rather than later! E-mail Kay at or call 428.7878 to RSVP (or to ask any questions!)

Skagit Land Trust is non-profit organization dedicated to conserving wildlife habitat, agricultural and forest lands, scenic open space, wetlands, and shorelines for the benefit of our community and as a legacy for future generations. Member and volunteer support make local land conservation and stewardship possible – visit for information.


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