Skagit Land Trust logo

Conserving wildlife habitat, agricultural and forest lands, scenic open space, wetlands, and shorelines for the benefit of our community and as a legacy for future generations.

Annual Members Meeting

Jan 2015 15

5:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Fidalgo Bay Resort


Join us for Skagit Land Trust's Annual Members Meeting at the Fidalgo Bay Resort - 4701 Fidalgo Bay Road - in Anacortes. Thank you to the Samish Indian Nation for hosting us at this waterfront property. RSVPs are not required - contact Lynne Jordan by email or (360)428 - 7878 with questions. 

5:30 - 6:30: Social Hour 

6:30 - 7:15: Awards, elections, by-laws revisions (see below), updates

7:15 - 8:00: "It's All Connected" -  presentation by Tim Manns and Skagit Land Trust Conservation staff

What do places people love, climate change, groundwater, frogs and Aldo Leopold have in common? They are all part of our conservation strategy. Tim Manns, former head naturalist for North Cascades National Park, and Skagit Land Trust's conservation staff will explain how the history of conservation from over a century ago is helping the Trust decide what needs to be saved today.

8:00: Door Prizes

Review board members up for re-election and a new board candidate

Review Skagit Land Trust's Current By-Laws

By-Laws proposed ammendments - January 2015


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