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Conserving wildlife habitat, agricultural and forest lands, scenic open space, wetlands, and shorelines for the benefit of our community and as a legacy for future generations.

Samish Island Heronry Ivy Removal

Oct 2011 15

9:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Squires CE Property on Samish Island

samishheronvolunteers2011dennyorgan (Medium).JPG

Calling all who want to help protect a beautiful forest and heron rookery from the ill effects of english ivy!

Join us and spend a few hours pulling, rolling and removing ivy from the Squires property on Samish Island, a property we hold a conservation easement on.  Please wear long sleeves and pants for ivy removal events.  Bring a water bottle and additional clothing layers for the weather.  Skagit Land Trust will provide gloves, loppers, pruners, safety gear, digging tools and refreshments, but feel free to bring your own tools if you prefer them!

We'll meet in the parking lot of the Community of Christ Church, located at 11507 Scott Road, Bow, WA.

There will be multiple ivy removal events this year, and hopefully we'll have it in tip-top shape by our hernory tour in January!

Please RSVP to

Let us know if you're interested in carpooling!

Photo Courtesy of Denny Organ

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