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Conserving wildlife habitat, agricultural and forest lands, scenic open space, wetlands, and shorelines for the benefit of our community and as a legacy for future generations.

Day Creek Forest Property

Property Description

 Salmonids including steelhead, Chinook, coho, sockeye, and pink salmon can be found in Day Creek.

This property consists of 75-acres of productive salmon habitat and prime forestland which are part of a larger effort to protect the Day Creek watershed. The 2012 acquisition of the Day Creek Forest Conservation Area was made possible through funding from Washington State’s Recreation and Conservation Office - Salmon Recovery Board and with support from the Skagit Watershed Council and Seattle City Light.

Day Creek is an important tributary for Skagit River salmon recovery efforts.  The Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife has documented numerous species of salmon spawning, rearing or migrating through this stretch of creek and the property was identified as a priority by the Skagit Watershed Council. The forested area also provides high quality habitat for wildlife, as well as shade and soil erosion protection for Day Creek.


Most of Day Creek Forest Conservation Area is wooded with a mix of young to mature conifers, deciduous trees and shrubs. The forested area provides high quality habitat for wildlife, as well as shade and soil erosion protection for Day Creek.  The riparian area along Day Creek provides habitat for a number of species and supplies large woody debris to the creek which is important for salmonids. In addition to salmonids, other wildlife found in the conservation area include black bears, cougars, elk, raptors and other birds. 

 Large woody debris helps create cool pools and hiding places for salmonids. 


Day Creek Forest has several acres of former pasture land. In 2013 Skagit Land Trust partnered with Skagit Fisheries Enhancement Group to restore these fields by replanting them with native trees and shrubs. As the restoration plantings grow, they will provide habitat for many forest associated species. In addition to the replanting of the open fields, another stewardship focus for Day Creek Forest is the removal of invasive species such as Himalayan blackberry and thistles. 

Click here to view information about the land stewards for this and other Skagit Land Trust properties.

 Volunteers helped us plant out the open areas in 2013. 


This site is open to low-impact public use for community enjoyment, but visitors must not drive down or block the driveway through the property, which serves as access to a private residence. Please watch our event page for opportunities to visit the property with Trust staff during workparties and tours.

 Above: Day Creek Forest is one of four conservation areas managed by Skagit Land Trust in the upper Skagit River watershed. Map created by Skagit Land Trust staff using NAIP aerial imagery from 2017. Click on the map for a larger image.

How to Get There

Getting to this property is difficult. Please see the access section for more information.

Property Photos

Day Creek Mature upland forest Restoration plantings in the open fields Day Creek Forest planted area

Property Info

  • Type: Trust-Owned
  • Location: Day Creek
  • Acreage: 75 acres
  • Date Added: 2012
  • Please visit this property!

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